Tuesday, 8 April 2008


This time, I would like to present my favourite piece of poetry. This poem was written by Jorge Luis Borges. It's my translation from Spanish.


If I were able to live my life anew,
In the next I would try to commit more errors.
I would not try to be so perfect, I would relax more.
I would be more foolish than I've been,
In fact, I would take very few things seriously.
I would be less hygienic.
I would run more risks,
take more journeys,
contemplate more sunsets,
climb more mountains, swim more rivers.
I would go to more places where I've never been,
I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans,
I would have more real problems and less imaginary ones.

I was one of those people who lived sensibly
and prolifically each minute of his life;
Of course I had moments of happiness.
But if I could go back I would try
to have only good moments.

Because if you don't know, of that is life made,
only of moments; don't lose the now.

I was one of those who never
went anywhere without a thermometer,
a hot-water bottle,
an umbrella and a parachute;
If I could live again, I would travel lighter.

If I could live again,
I would start to walk barefoot
from the beginning of spring
and I would continue barefoot till the end of autumn.
I would take more turns on the merry-go-round,
contemplate more dawns,
and play with more children,
If I would have another life ahead of me.

But already you see, I am 85...
and I know that I am dying.

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