Friday, 9 November 2007

To travel is to live

Sometimes I hear the question "Why?! Why you decided to move from Canary Islands to United Kingdom, are you crazy?". Maybe... OK, first and almost I like to get to know new countries. I started from Spain/Canary Islands because it was something completely different from my mother country. However after almost three years of living there, I felt saturated and thought I have to go. My Spanish was good, I speak fluently but why not to learn next language?

Why England? Because I wish to learn English, which is the most important language in the world. The most important, but not the only one, as think many of English people surprised by the fact, that somebody can't speak English :-) Therefore here I am, working very hard to improve my abilities of English language. I think England is the better country to live if you want to learn English, isn't it?

Besides I like to travel. Not only on holidays, because in this way you can't get to know any country. I think if you want to do it well, you have to live at least couple of years in one place. To learn local language, to know mentality of inhabitants, to explore important places etc. This is my way of do it, I like this style of life. Apart from that I think it's good for my children because they learn many languages, cultures and get open-minded. They learn how to adapt to new circumstances which is very important ability in the contemporary world. In every country they attend regular schools for years that enrich their knowledge. They like it as well, because their curiosity of the world is fulfilled. As said Hans Christian Andersen "To travel is to live"...

I have to add that there is another thing. To date I didn't stabilize my professional situation. If in England I'll find what I'm looking for, maybe I'll stay here.

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